AWS Lambda

Amazon Lambda is an execution engine that is priced by the millisecond. It allows you to define a function of code that is executed in response to events.


    description: Role that is assumed by lambda for running the lambda function
      - Principal: { Service: }

      - action: ["logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents"]
        resource: "arn:aws:logs:*:*:*"

    description: random function
    role: { iam: role/lambda/my_function_runner }
    runtime: python2.7
    location: us-east-1
    memory_size: 128
    timeout: 30
      inline: |
        import json

        def lambda_handler(event, context):
          print("*:* Adding one and two in {0}".format(event))
          result = event.get("one", 0) + event.get("two", 0)

          # Return json
          ret = {"status": "OK", "output": result}

          # Print for cloudwatch logs

          # Return for apigateway
          return result

      one: 3
      two: 4
      status: OK

This definition will create an IAM role that is used when running the lambda function and a lambda function itself.

The lambda function is using python2.7 as the runtime and has the code defined inline. The code can be defined for inline, a directory, or an object in S3. See below for more details.

We also define a sample event and the desired output for when we invoke the lambda function with that sample event.

Available Keys

An optional sentence explaining the purpose of the function
The iam role that will be assumed when running the lambda function. It’s trust document must allow the service to assume it.
This can be python2.7, nodejs or java8

This is the location in the code for the lambda to execute. When the runtime is either python2.7 or nodejs, it will be defaulted appropriately.

python2.7 = lambda_function.lambda_handler

nodejs = index.handler

The aws region to create this lambda function in
The amount of memory available to the function. This number must be a multiple of 64.
The maximum amount of time the function may run for in seconds.

This is the function itself and can be defined several ways

{ inline: <code> }
As in the above example, the code can be defined within the configuration itself.
{ directory: <directory> }

This will point at some directory and when it comes to creating the code, it will create a zipfile of that directory and upload that.

It is recommended to refer to the directory relative to the configuration by saying “{config_folder}/../path/to/code”.

{ directory: { directory: <directory>, exclude: [<pattern>, …] } }
Same as specifying a directory, but you get to exclude globs from the generated zipfile. Each glob is relative to that directory.
{ s3: { key: <key>, bucket: <bucket>, version: <version> } }
Specify an object in S3 to use as the code. Version here is optional.

aws_syncr provides actions for testing the lambda function. When these are invoked, it looks for this object to use as the event object.

This can be defined as a string or as a dictionary.


When aws_syncr invokes the lambda function, it’ll look for this object to determine if the output is a success or not.

If the output of the function is a string, then this is used as a regex against that string, otherwise, if it’s an object, it will check that all the keys in desired_output_for_test exist and have the same value.