
You can specify iam role policies, iam role trust policies, s3 bucket policies and kms grants with aws_syncr.

Trust policies

{service: ec2}

Sets the principle to {"Service": ""}

You’ll want to do this if you want to use metdata credentials on an ec2 box


See below, it specifies an iam resource

Basically allows the iam role specified to call assume role to be this role.

{federated: <string>}

Sets the principle to {"Federated": <string>}

With an Action of AssumeRoleWithSAML.

{federated: <iam_specifier>}

Sets the principle to {"Federated": <expanded iam specifier>}

With an Action of AssumeRoleWithSAML.

Anything in the dictionary starting with an upper case character is included as is in the statement.

Also, the difference between allow_to_assume_me and disallow_to_assume_me is one sets Principle in the trust document, whereas the other sets NotPrinciple.

Permission statements

You can specify these under a role policy and under an s3 bucket policy

{"action": <action>, resource: <resource>, "allow":<True|False>}

Allows <action> for specified <resource> (string or list of strings)

“allow” will override any default allow or “Effect” you specify

And anything starting with an upper case character is included in the statement as is.

allow_permission statements will default allow to True and deny_permission statements will default allow to False.

Where action and resource can be notaction and notresource.

And <resource> can be:

A single string
Placed in the policy as a list of that one string
A list of <resource>
Placed in the policy with each <resource> expanded
See below, it specifies an iam resource
See below, it specifies a kms resource
{"s3": <s3_specifier>}
{"s3": [<s3_specifier>, <s3_specifier>, ...]}
[“arn:aws:s3:::<s3_specifier>”, “arn:aws:s3:::<s3_specifier>”, …]
See below, it specifies a generic arn

Where <iam_specifer> can be:

arn for the role/user this policy is being given to
{"iam":<specifier>, "account":<account>"}


Where account is retrieved from our accounts dictionary from accounts.yaml

Where <kms_specifier> can be:

{"kms": "__self__"}
arn for the kms this policy is being given to
{"kms": "<alias>", "location":<location>, "account":<account>}


Where account is retrieved from our accounts dictionary from accounts.yaml

Where <s3_specifier> can be:

arn for the bucket this policy is being given to
Name of a bucket
Name of a bucket with some path

Where <arn_specifier> is

{"arn":<service>, "location":<location>, "account":<account>, "identity":<identity>}


For the special specifiers, account and identity can be a list of values.

Grant statements

Grants can be specified as

{"operations": [<operation>, ...], "grantee": [<iam_specifier>, ...], "retiree": [<iam_specifer>, ...], "grant_tokens": [<grant_token>, ...], "constraints": <constraints>}

Only operations and grantee are required. Also, capitalized keys are included in the policy.

See for more information.